The Center for Thermal Oncology is cancer treatment center offering thermal therapy heat treatments, also known as hyperthermia, in coordination with your physician to optimize your outcome. The coupling of thermal heat therapy with traditional cancer healing modalities has scientifically proven to improve treatment efficacy and response by up to 44% - without side effects. 

The Center for Thermal Oncology is the only freestanding center to employ hyperthermia cancer treatments, allowing you to keep the physician you love.  We are happy to coordinate care with your chosen physician, or recommend one to you. 

Patient above had history of recurrent melanoma of the eyelid.  These images show his response to combined thermal radiotherapy treatments using standard radiation fractionation techniques and local hyperthermia.

Patient above had history of recurrent melanoma of the eyelid.  These images show his response to combined thermal radiotherapy treatments using standard radiation fractionation techniques and local hyperthermia.

At the Center for Thermal Oncology, you can expect:

  • A soothing patient care environment with a warm and caring professional staff, natural lighting and entertainment
  • Integrated care offering coordinated with your oncology treatment team
  • On site diagnostic imaging center with ACR accredited 3T MRI, CT, PET/CT, Nuclear Medicine, Ultrasound, X-ray and Bone Density services
  • A care network of the "best of the best" physicians in radiation, medical, and alternative care
  • On-site diagnostic laboratory
  • Integrated care including nutrition, naturopathy and acupuncture
  • Concierge services for local and out-of-town patients

The idea of using heat as a curative modality is not new, and is based on the natural response of the body to disease. In fact, Hippocrates, the “father of medicine” said, “What is not cured by the knife, may be cured by fire.” The ancient Egyptians also recorded using heat for healing in their hieroglyphic texts. And now, 30 years of modern scientific research has determined that the combination of heat treatment with radiation and/or chemotherapy dramatically improves cancer treatment response rates by as much as 44% - without side effects.

Thermal therapy is FDA approved and covered by most insurance, and has proven to be effective on a variety of different types of cancer and has exhibited marked results. In some studies, it has doubled a patient's response rate to radiation therapy: increasing survival, eliminating tumor sites, shrinking tumors and offering palliation. Increased survival and improved response rate has been clinically shown in these areas: Head and neck, thyroid, prostate, breast, axilla, chest, cervical and gynecological,  colon,  throat,  melanoma,  base of tongue,  among others.

The Center for Thermal Oncology is a unique and innovative cancer treatment clinic that operates with only one goal in mind - positive results. We are uniquely qualified to succeed with your treatment.  Our mission is to help our patients utilize every integrated and traditional method to assist them in regaining health and beating cancer.

We look forward to meeting you and working with you to regain your health.  Please call the Center for Thermal Oncology at (888) 580-5900 today or contact us to see if thermal therapy is right for you and to schedule your first appointment.